Nellie Brown, black cowgirl circa 1880s

While paying respect to those who came before us is important, the Charlotte Cowgirls are working to keeping that legacy alive. Our mission is to educate communities about horses, horsemanship, and the rich history of cowboys and cowgirls while offering mentorship, growth & volunteer opportunities.

We started the Charlotte Cowgirls out of our love for horses. We are a close knit group, like family, and we treat our horses as siblings. We have 7 horses and 3 ponies between the 5 of us & are always looking for opportunities to add more.

Charlotte Cowgirls was born from a day at the barn with our brother organization, The Charlotte Cowboys. They offer lessons, guided trail rides, and more. We wanted to do more for the community & while planning a community service event we decided we didn’t want to be referred to as Cowboys anymore. So we created Charlotte Cowgirls. We support each others visions, compliment each other well, and are really a big family.

Outside of not wanting to be called cowboys anymore, we recognized the need for something positive within our community.

“Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls. They give us hope!”

– Toni Robinson